Age: 16     From: NJ     ADTC Alumni? No

Dogs or Cats? Dogs

Hip Hop or Ballet? Ballet

On time or late? Late

Loud or Quiet? Quiet

Running or Walking? Walking

Save Money or Spend Money? Spend Money

Bus Driver or Bus Rider? Bus Rider

Problem Solver or Problem Maker? Problem Solver

Extrovert or Introvert? Both

Call or Text? Both

Insta or Snap? Insta

City or Country? City

Stay Home or Go Out? Both

Hawaii or Alaska? Hawaii

Book or Movie? Book

What words do you live by? “Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. I am who I am today, with all my faults. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’s me, too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become.”-Kim Namjoon

What or who makes you laugh the most? Funny videos

How would your friends describe you? Funny, independent, driven, passionate

What is your favorite dance style? Ballet

What hobbies do you have outside of dance? Reading, binge watching, bike riding and walking

Other than necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Music

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Grilled shrimp

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? New York City

What is your biggest fear? Drowning

What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas

What is your biggest pet peeve? cracking knuckles and sloppy eating

Is there a fun fact about you that people might find surprising? I like marine biology

What is your True Color Personality Style? My color is gold. The personality traits for gold is someone who follows rules, is neat, dependable, and loyal. I would say most of these are true about myself. I do not always follow traditions because sometimes I like to create new ones and try something new!

Who is your idol? My idol is Hwasa, a female Korean singer, part of a girl band. Hwasa is my idol because she decides to break the mold of what is expected of her. In Korea, the beauty and behavior standards for women are very strict, and Hwasa has been criticized for not looking, acting and dressing a certain way. She quotes ” If I can’t fit their standard of beauty, then I’ll create my own.” Instead of trying to be like everyone else, she allows herself to stand out, and be proud of it. She inspires me to love myself the way that I am, and to ignore the people who can’t appreciate me for who I am.

Why do you love to dance? I love to dance because it’s a way that I can express different parts of myself. When the routine is upbeat and fast, I can show the fun bubbly side of myself that people are most familiar with. But with lyrical or ballet dances, I can show a more vulnerable part of myself which people are not used to seeing. Dance is the easiest way for me to express these different emotions.

What is your proudest accomplishment & why? My proudest accomplishment is making the high school dance team. This is my proudest accomplishment because it was my first time auditioning by myself getting judged. I was super nervous and I practiced the routine everyday. I was so happy to make the team.

What goals are you working on right now (in both dance & life)? Goals that I’ m working on right now is to increase my dance confidence. Dancing in front of other people hasn’t been much of a problem for me, but dancing with expressions and being confident with the is where I struggle. In my daily life, my only goal is to stay in touch with my friends throughout the summer. I have two very close friends who go to different schools, so I don’t get to see them in person as much, especially over the last few months. My goal is see them more often

Tell us about a difficult situation in your life and how you got through it. What did you learn? A difficult situation in my life was the death of a very close family member. It happened a few years ago, and I was sad alot of the
time. I got through it from the help and support of my other family members. From that experience, I learned that everything
happens for a reason.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done? The most daring things I’ve ever done was go to sleep away camp in Maine for two straight weeks by myself when I was 13. It was the longest I’d been away from my family and I was a little uneasy at first. But after a few days I adjusted quickly and had a good and memorable time.

What is your A.D.T.C. Superpower? My ADTC Superpower is #ADTCteamplayer. I have been on dance and softball teams all my life, so I know all about team work and losing and winning as a team. I always try my best to keep a smile on my face no matter the energy in the room, and I always make it my priority to cheer on my team and encourage them. I always make sure no one is left out, and gets to say whatever they feel they need to add. I think everyone’s opinion is important and that’s what makes a healthy team- that everyone is heard.

What do you want other girls to learn from reading your #ADTCidol bio & story? I want other girls to learn from reading my ADTCidol bio and story, that I’m very interested in dance, I’m really looking forward to joining ADTC, and I can’t wait to experience the ADTC’s virtual dance camp!