Age: 11     From: IL     ADTC Alumni? Yes     Location: WI

Dogs or Cats? Dogs

Hip Hop or Ballet? Hip Hop

On time or late? On time

Loud or Quiet? Quiet

Running or Walking? Walking

Save Money or Spend Money? Save Money

Bus Driver or Bus Rider? Bus Rider

Problem Solver or Problem Maker? Problem Solver

Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert

Call or Text? Text

Insta or Snap? Snap

City or Country? Country

Stay Home or Go Out? Stay Home

Hawaii or Alaska? Hawaii

Book or Movie? Book

What words do you live by? “Be fearless”

What or who makes you laugh the most? My mom

How would your friends describe you? nice, kind, outgoing, creative, funny and a little bit quirky

What is your favorite dance style? Tap

What hobbies do you have outside of dance? Sewing, arts & crafts, basketball

Other than necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Talking with friends

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, french fries, and cantaloupe

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Hawaii

What is your biggest fear? Not having any friends that actually like me as a person

What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas

What is your biggest pet peeve? Watching/listening to people chew food

Is there a fun fact about you that people might find surprising? I have my own business:

What is your True Color Personality Style? My dominant personality color is GOLD. I agree with most of the descriptions of me being the “organizer”. I also feel I have many things in common with the green personality and blue personality and it turns out those were the ones that were tied for runners up.

Who is your idol? My idol is Michelle Obama because she is welcoming and nice to everyone. Even when people are rude or say unkind things about her she is nice back and is still strong like nothing has ever happened to her.

Why do you love to dance? I love to dance because it takes my mind off all the things that happen outside of dance. It builds up my confidence level because outside of dance I’m not always that confident around other people and dance helps with that.

What is your proudest accomplishment & why? My proudest accomplishment is my personal business I created last year. I love to create and to show everything I have made on my website. It makes me feel proud AND I get spending money out of it too.

What goals are you working on right now (in both dance & life)? Some of my goals I am working towards right now is to not putting myself down during dance because I’m getting better the more I practice. In life, I am working on not walking away from a task when I get overwhelmed by it..

Tell us about a difficult situation in your life and how you got through it. What did you learn? A difficult situation in my life was when I had found out that my parents were getting a divorce. I cried but soon realized that while it
was hard I could make it better or worse depending on how I looked at it. For example, I initially looked at it like it was horrible, but then I realized how I might get a bigger room, more space for my stuff and end up living closer to my friends. So, while it is hard it can still be better than it was.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I am not the kind of person who shares a lot about my feelings, so one of the most daring things I have ever done is tell my parents how their actions can make me feel sometimes. I learned that it’s not bad to share your feelings because talking about it gets it out and makes the situation and me feel better in the end.

If you’ve been to ADTC, what is your favorite dance camp memory & why? My favorite memory at ADTC was when my team won Game Night. Julia, our team leader, was very competitive and it was so fun because it was my first year and all of the older kids on my team were very welcoming and it had felt like we had known each other for years.

What is your A.D.T.C. Superpower? My ADTC super power would probably be #ADTCadventurer because I love to do new things and when it is hard I stick through it and don’t complain out loud. I am also eager to learn and I embrace the unfamiliar.

What do you want other girls to learn from reading your #ADTCidol bio & story? I want other girls to know that it’s ok to feel down and it’s ok to want to give up, but the most important thing is if you do feel like giving up, you can still push through and try to succeed in every other way possible.