Age: 11     From: MO     ADTC Alumni? No

Dogs or Cats? Cats

Hip Hop or Ballet? Hip Hop

On time or late? On time

Loud or Quiet? Quiet

Running or Walking? Walking

Save Money or Spend Money? Save Money

Bus Driver or Bus Rider? Bus Rider

Problem Solver or Problem Maker? Problem Solver

Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert

Call or Text? Text

Insta or Snap? Insta

City or Country? Country

Stay Home or Go Out? Stay Home

Hawaii or Alaska? Hawaii

Book or Movie? Book

What words do you live by? “dream big, laugh out loud”

What or who makes you laugh the most? mostly my family. But I have a cat who also makes me laugh.

How would your friends describe you? Funny, shy, caring

What is your favorite dance style? lyrical or jazz

What hobbies do you have outside of dance? Reading, gymnastics, girl scouts

Other than necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? A book

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Baked potatoes with a side of salad

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Paris

What is your biggest fear? The dark and/or scary movies

What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas

What is your biggest pet peeve? When someone repeats the same action over and over again. Like shrugging your shoulders over and over or, biting your lip over and over.

Is there a fun fact about you that people might find surprising? when I was about 5 I had to get belly button surgery because I had a muscle that had tore apart

What is your True Color Personality Style? Blue. I think I’m really unique and I celebrate that, so yeah I think the color description is fairly accurate

Who is your idol? I don’t really have an idol.

Why do you love to dance? I feel like dance really lets me express my inner feeling, and it lets me relax and have fun

What is your proudest accomplishment & why? I taught myself how to do a backflip on a trampoline. I feel like one of the very few thing that I can teach myself how to do is gymnastics stuff. I also really like having a trampoline in my backyard because it helps a lot with my gymnastics skills

What goals are you working on right now (in both dance & life)? I really want to get my ariel, and I also would like to start working out a lot more everyday

Tell us about a difficult situation in your life and how you got through it. What did you learn? One of the hard things about being homeschooled is that you don’t have a lot of friends. So when I was about 8 I joined a girl scout troop. I’m still in it today, and the girls have always been nice to me.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done? Me and my friend took some really awesome photos of me doing handstands and backbends. The only catch was that we took them on pavement and I fell while doing one shot. I wasn’t injured badly, but it really taught me to be more careful!.

What is your A.D.T.C. Superpower? I think I would like to be a dreamer. I really would like to help the community. And I would like to volunteer at an animal shelter someday