Age: 12     From: NY     ADTC Alumni? No

Dogs or Cats? Cats

Hip Hop or Ballet? Ballet

On time or late? On time

Loud or Quiet? Quiet

Running or Walking? Running

Save Money or Spend Money? Save Money

Bus Driver or Bus Rider? Bus Rider

Problem Solver or Problem Maker? Problem Solver

Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert

Call or Text? Text

Insta or Snap? Insta

City or Country? Country

Stay Home or Go Out? Stay Home

Hawaii or Alaska? Hawaii

Book or Movie? Book

What words do you live by? “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

What or who makes you laugh the most? Our cats and my dad make me laugh the most.

How would your friends describe you? Kind, smart, athletic, and compassionate.

What is your favorite dance style? I like Jazz and Lyrical the most.

What hobbies do you have outside of dance? I love to cook, I play the cello, and I love reading.

Other than necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Music

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Vegetarian Bibimbap

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Florida

What is your biggest fear? Needles

What is your favorite Holiday? Christimas

What is your biggest pet peeve? I have two. One is when people say dance isn’t a sport and the other is when my locker combo isn’t turned to zero.

Is there a fun fact about you that people might find surprising? I used to play ice hockey

What is your True Color Personality Style? I am green. I totally agree with everything it said. My mom read it too and said it was spot-on. I enjoy hard work at school and I like to challenge myself in all aspects of life. I am a major perfectionist. When I do projects in school I will spend as long as it takes to get it done exactly how I want it. In dance I will practice until I get my dances memorized and exactly how I want them. I am a problem solver. However I also identify with lots of the things in the blue category. I need opportunities to be creative and I value having a few close friends instead of many people that aren’t close with you.

Who is your idol? One of my idols is Dolly Parton. Her story is so inspiring to me and I think that she teaches lessons that everyone should learn. Also the fact that she can put these lessons into a catchy song is just so neat. Dolly inspires me because of her crazy work-ethic. She came from a very poor household but she didn’t let it drag her down and she didn’t make excuses for herself. She is confident and believes in staying true to yourself and just having fun with life which I think is important. I also love these quote from Dolly: “find out who you are and do it on purpose”, “we can not direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails”, and “you’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try.” Dolly has empowered me to be unique and to work hard in everything that I do.

Why do you love to dance? I love dancing because it is almost like an escape. When you dance you can get away from problems and focus on yourself. You are able to learn about yourself while exercising and having fun with your friends. It is also a beautiful sport. I enjoy watching others dance and I love dancing myself. I love moving to the music and a dance studio is a safe space. You can express yourself in an outgoing way and no one will criticize you for it. It is nice to have a dance family that is there for you.

What is your proudest accomplishment & why? My proudest accomplishment is more of a long term thing. For a long time I have had a lot of different interests. I do dance, play the cello, love cooking, I used to play hockey, I love reading, and I also spend a lot of time with family and friends. I am proud of myself for juggling all of these activities while still having time for school and free time. Especially as I get older and dance, cello, and school require even more time and effort. It is hard to juggle everything. At times you just want to quit and focus on one thing. But I love all of these activities and I’m proud of myself for putting in the extra work and maintaining diverse interests.

What goals are you working on right now (in both dance & life)? In dance I am working on my flexibility and turns. In life I am working on being less of a perfectionist. It’s okay to want to do things well but I don’t want to let it drag me down.

Tell us about a difficult situation in your life and how you got through it. What did you learn? Something hard that I have experienced is exclusion. I had a lot of people who I thought were my friends would exclude me, which hurt. It took a long time to realize that that is not how friends treat each other. I moved to a different and smaller group of people who actually care about their friends and are inclusive to everyone. I slowly changed my group of friends. For the longest time I
thought I was stuck with my friends just because we’d been together for a while. But I learned that you aren’t tied to anyone. Social groups change. That’s just what happens and it is OKAY. It is part of life. I realized that our friendship had run its course. I still have great memories with them and they shouldn’t be forgotten. It isn’t okay to be rude to anyone no matter how they treated you in the past. But I am happier now. I feel more accepted and I love my small group of friends. It is just easier to be yourself when you don’t have to worry about what other people think about you.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I love Disney world but I have been the biggest baby about rides for my whole life. I would only go on certain rides and it prevented my whole family from going on some of the rides together. I recently went to Disney for my 12th birthday and I decided I was going to put aside my fears and just go for it. I went on the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest, and Space Mountain for the first time. I loved them! I was so nervous but I pushed myself to try something new and it paid off! One of my favorite quotes is “She was powerful, not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly despite the fear.” -Harper Lee. This experience reminds me of this quote because I was scared but I did it anyway and I loved it and had fun. I actually ended up going on Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster 6 more times that trip because it was just so fun and exciting.

What is your A.D.T.C. Superpower? I am an #ADTCadventurer. I try new things often even if I’m afraid I won’t like it. I like to embrace different thinking and styles of dance.

What do you want other girls to learn from reading your #ADTCidol bio & story? You are you and that is perfect. Nobody can change who you are and you shouldn’t let them have a say in who you are. Be authentic to who you are and if people don’t see the awesome in you they aren’t the people to listen to.