2019 Dance Idols: Eight Broadway SongsLindsey Fadner
ADTC Dreamer – Meet Teagan B.
Lindsey FadnerTeagan B. is our #ADTCidol - an #ADTCteamplayer who wants other girls to learn that they will have the BEST time at dance camp.
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ADTC Team-Player – Meet Jessalyn W.
Lindsey FadnerJessalyn W. is our #ADTCidol - an #ADTCteamplayer who wants to inspire other girls to believe in themselves, be kind, and to treasure the great experience that camp can be as long as you keep an open mind & heart..
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ADTC Dreamer – Meet Alexis G.
Lindsey FadnerAlexis G. is our #ADTCidol - an #ADTCdreamer who wants other girls to learn that they can accomplish anything as long as they're committed to it.
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ADTC Adventurer – Meet Sadie A.
Lindsey FadnerSadie A. is our #ADTCidol - an #ADTCadventurer who wants to inspire other girls to step our of their comfort zone - maybe you'll find something you love!
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