ADTC California Health & Wellness Records

Here’s our Health Care Station Folder for the nurse to reference on Sundays for health screenings. Please make notes of any relevant info before camp (allergies, meds/dosage/int) and then also record health screenings using the form on this page (temp on arrival, any symptoms, etc.) Click the window icon next to camper’s name to expand view & click the pencil icon to record entries for each camper. Here’s a quick step-by-step tutorial video (if helpful). CJ/Kierstyn, you’ll also use this form to record each camper’s daily temp / symptoms each morning as well as all medications administered at camp (including over-the-counter). IMPORTANT – please double check the Medical Admin Folder for times of day & dose for prescription meds. And before you give any camper an OTC medication, make sure we have their parent’s permission (check page 2 of their “medication form,” which is in their camper folder)

CA Session 2 Health Forms

CA Session 1 Health Forms